Evaluation des risques écotoxicologiques et pour la santé humaine des contaminants organiques dans les friches industrielles de la vallée du Rhône et Estarreja

Début 2017

Fin 2018

Numéro de l'action C51

Thème Flux polluants, écotoxicologie, écosystèmes (FPEE), Flux - Formes - Habitats - Biocénoses (FFHB)

Site OHM Vallée du Rhône

Soil, an important environmental compartment, is largely affected daily by anthropogenic activities such as industries, traffic and waste disposal. These activities can bring to the soils large quantities of several contaminants and consequently they can easily enter the food chain and the trophic scale of ecosystems via plants and animals.This type of organic pollutants can persist for long times in the environment, being susceptible to transport for long distances, then they can easily reach a large geographic area and be widely dispersed.

Projet de recherche Zabr

Soutien : Labex DRIIHM

Coordination : Jean-Philippe Bedell

Équipe pilote : Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat

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