Floodplain ecohydrology: Climatic, local, and anthropogenic controls on water availability to riparian trees

Début 2012

Fin 2013

Numéro de l'action C27

Thème Changement Climatique et Ressources (CCR), Flux - Formes - Habitats - Biocénoses (FFHB)

Site OHM Vallée du Rhône

Using a multipronged dataset, we investigate the variability in isotopic signatures within two co-occurring riparian tree species rooted at a range of floodplain elevations and with varying soil depths at one site. We address several research questions: 1) How do trees in riparian zones access and use water for growth through fluctuations in hydrology? 2) What role do relative floodplain elevation and soil depth play in controlling the partitioning of water in floodplain storage reservoirs? 3) How is tree water use and growth affected by climatic and/or anthropogenic changes in water availability?

Projet de recherche Zabr

Soutien : CNRS

Coordination : Michael Singer

Équipe pilote : UMR 5600 EVS,Wesleyan University

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