SHARE – Sustainable Hydropower in Alpine Rivers Ecosystems

Début 2009

Fin 2012

Thème Flux - Formes - Habitats - Biocénoses (FFHB)

Site Arc Isère

The project intends to develop, test and promote a decision support system to merge on an unprejudiced base, river ecosystems and hydropower requirements. This approach will be led using existing scientific tools, adjustable to transnational, national and local normative and carried on by permanent panel of administrators and stakeholders. Scientific knowledge related to HP & river management will be « translated » by the communication tools and spent as a concrete added value to build a decision support system. In particular, the Multicriteria Analysis (MCA) will be applied to assess different management alternatives where a single-criterion approach (such as cost-benefit analysis) falls short, especially where environmental, technical, economic and social criteria can’t be quantified by monetary values.

Soutien : Interreg

Coordination : Julien Némery

Équipe pilote : UMR 5564 LTHE

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